Earlier this week in my personal devotions, I read one Bible verse that I try to claim. It is Jude 22 "And some having compassion making a difference." Now, I love people. I do! However, I am the type of person, I think, that chooses who I'm going to love. What I mean by that is, shamefully, I love people but not all people--- the right way-- how Christians should. I mean, I care about people, but, truthfully, I'm praying and working-- need to work on-- loving people more. A few weeks ago I was doing a Bible study in the book of I Peter. It talked about how to love. It said we should love: sincerely (not just play act), fervently (intense, limitless), and heartily (with my whole heart). I guess what I meant before about "choosing" the people I love is that I do love people but not always fervently and with my whole heart. I love many people in those ways but not all people. We, Christians, should love all people in those ways.
I've been praying and learning and asking God to help me love as He loves. I've also been asking Him to let me see each person as a soul--- it could be a lost soul.
Now back to what I was saying about Jude 22. I try to claim that verse in my life. We need to love (have compassion), so that we make a difference in lives. We always make differences in people's lives. It just depends on what kind of difference we make. I mean, am I making a good difference in the lives of others? Are people better off knowing me? There has been times, even recently, that I have not made a good difference in the lives of people. There is one in particular that I don't think this person is better off knowing me right now (which breaks my heart!). But, I'm asking God to help me make a good difference in the lives of people.
So, one thing I'm "Learning to Lean on God's Arms" about is to love more. Also for my love to be for all people and to be like the love of God, so that it makes a difference. The difference I want to make is a good difference. Of course, that will be only through God's help.
So, what kind of difference are you making in the lives of people? Are people better off knowing you? I've had these questions on my heart and mind, so I wanted to share and give you something to think about, as well.
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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