Change. Change. Change.
The world and life are full of changes. There are good changes, and there are bad changes. A birth of a baby, a beginning of a marriage, a new job/ministry- those are just a few examples of good and happy changes. Death of a loved one, loss of a job, divorce and loss of a relationship/friendship are just some examples of bad and sad changes. Of course, people can change, that can either be a good or bad change- depending the change.
Right now, our weather/season is changing. We are saying goodbye to winter and hello to spring-- which I am so happy about. I love waking up in the morning and hearing the birds sing. I love walking outside and not having to wear a big winter coat. So, there is change (I think it is a good one!).
I'm one that is not too comfortable with change. Honestly a lot of changes at once scare me. I mean, I can handle it when it actually arrives. However, the anticipation of change (if change is planned), is what scares me. Of course, sometimes you do not know change is coming. It can be very hard.
Recently, I've been thinking a lot about change. There has been a lot of change in my life in the past year. There have been happy and sad changes. My brother got married this past year-- that is a happy change! I got a sister! I've grown closer to some people regarding our friendships. That has been a good change and a blessing. I've had to deal with a physcial condition, so that has been a bad change, but at the same time, it has been a good change, too (God's diet plan for me!). I've lost a friendship, that is a bad and sad change- one of the biggest ones in my life in this past year. Like I said, I'm not too good with change, even some happy ones. Now, I'm not the most organized person (ask anyone that knows me), but, for some reason, I try to plan my "feelings." I try to prepare myself when changes come. I try to prepare myself/my feelings. A little over five years ago, my father was sick and passed away. When he was sick and close to dying, I tried to "prepare" my feelings. I had to mentally get myself ready for that. I would go through scenarios in my head, and I would decide how I would react when he actually did pass away. I knew that would be a change-- a big, sad change.
Now, changes are hard, both good and bad. Now, I'm not married or have children, but I have friends that are and do. I know when people first get married or when a first child is born, it is a happy but somewhat hard change. There are a lot of adjustments. It is the same thing with bad and hard changes.
Now in my thinking of changes, there is one main thing that doesn't change. There is a constant in my life. God's Word says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Hebrews 13:8 How comforting is that! When life feels like it is spinning with changes that you may love or may hate, God is the same God as ever. He does not change. The same God who created the world with His voice and calmed the sea just by saying, "Peace be still", is the same God today. He will never change! If He can calm the seas, He can calm our hearts when they feel like they are spinning with changes. We can always count on God. What a blessing! That is another thought that is helping me to learn to lean on God's arms.
How about you? Have you had changes in your life recently? Have you felt like your life is spinning with change-- good or bad? Remember, God is there. He does not change! If you have never accepted the Lord as your personal Savior, the way to get to Heaven hasn't changed either. All you have to do is accept Him. Ask Him to forgive your sin and to come into your heart. If you have any questions about that, please leave me a comment. I would love to show you how you can get saved, so you can be a child of THE FATHER Who doesn't change. He's the only ONE that can give true peace. Remember, He calmed the raging seas-- Mark 4:35- 41, and He can give peace and calm our hearts. What an amazing God!
Park City Utah
3 years ago
A Great reminder and a comfort. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteHeather, I caught up on all your posts. I really enjoyed this one in particular. So many of these verses have been ones that God has used in my life recently. I've thought a lot about that story from Mark 4. When the storm was raging and everything seemed out of control and there was great fear and Jesus was sleeping--He was still in control of that storm. I enjoyed reading all of these. You are a good writer :)