I haven't posted anything on this blog or my other in a very long time. That doesn't mean I haven't learned anything. God still has continued to work in me and teach me. A lot has been going on in my life in the past several months--good and bad.
The past several months there have been many people I know, care about and love, who are struggling. Some have been finances. Some have been emotional. Most of them have been physical. I am one, which isn't good, who tends to be a worrier. I like to know what is going on. I hate surprises. That goes back from when I was a little girl, and I would even unwrap then re-wrap my Christmas presents. I hate surprises.
However, God allows things to happen to His children. He doesn't always give us the outcome. We can't 'unwrap' and see what the outcome is going to be. We have to wait. We have to trust God. One day a couple of weeks ago, I was praying about a personal situation then going through my prayer list of my family and friends who are suffering and need prayer and God's grace. God gave me a verse. I was like, 'duh!' This verse is probably one of the most common verses in the Bible. In fact, I teach my first graders this verse. It is:
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
Told you it was common! But, I sometimes forget to do it. I forget to trust. We often trust people, which is needed. However, they can let you down, even if they don't mean to. However, God never will. He's the ONE the only ONE that knows the outcome of any situation. He knows our needs.
Several months ago maybe even about a year ago now, I was really struggling with some trial. I have alluded to that trial on here previously. During that time, God heard many of my tears. Praise the Lord, He's healed and worked in that trial!! But during that time it hit me, we (or at least me) have no problem trusting God with our salvation. To me, it was easy and is easy to know my salvation is secured in Christ. I've confessed my sins, and He said He would forgive them. I believe what He says. His Word says, "...Thy word is truth." John 17:17b I have no problem trusting Him with my salvation- my eternity. But how hard it is for us to trust Him for our daily needs? our trials? For me, pretty hard! If I can trust Him with my eternity(my salvation), why can't I trust him for finances. Or, why can't I trust Him when I'm praying on the behalf of a friend who has cancer or whose child is sick? Isn't that crazy?
It was just a thought I had one day. It sometimes still comes into my mind. I need to trust God in all things. I cannot lean to my own understanding. I tell my first graders when teaching about Abram and Sarai that Sarai helped God. She was impatient for waiting for a child. So, she decided to help God. When we 'help' God, we make a mess. Sarah did. I'm so thankful to have an almighty, sovereign God to trust.
If I can trust Him with my eternity, I need to trust Him for my daily needs and concerns. He is truly able. I need to learn to lean on God's arms more. How about you? Do you struggle with trusting God for your daily needs? Are you like me when it is so easy to trust Him for your salvation and eternity but get scared and worried when it concerns our day to day life. We may not know the outcome, but we know the ONE Who does. That truly is a blessing! Let's pray and ask God to help us trust God for all our needs.
Park City Utah
3 years ago
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